Facelift Surgery

Facelift Surgery can help turn back the clock and rejuvenate your face. If you have been considering a facelift, you more than likely have a few questions. Dr Turner is one of Sydney’s top facelift plastic surgeons & is an expert in creating facial harmony & restoring a youthful appearance. He can create a customised facial treatment plan that’s perfect for you.

What is a Facelift?

A face-lift is a cosmetic surgical procedure to create a younger look in the face. The procedure can reduce sagging skin. It can also help smooth folds of skin on the cheeks and jawline. A face-lift is also called a rhytidectomy.

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Are you Suitable for a Face lift??

Making this decision is a major step, so we want you to feel good about your decision. If you are interested in a facelift, but wondering whether or not you’re a good candidate, then here’s what you need to know.

Both healthy women and men who are non-smokers are ideal candidates for this surgery. If you suffer from skin laxity around the jowls and neck, loss of facial definition or just feel you look tired, then a facelift can help remedy these concerns. The very first step will be confirming whether or not you’re a good candidate. After all, you need to be confident in your decision.

Depending on what you’re looking to achieve, some candidates are better suited than others. A comprehensive face and neck lift, for instance, is generally best for men and women in the 50’s to 70’s — while a mini facelift is ideal for men and women in their 40’s.

Benefits of a Facelift Surgery

No amount of diet, exercise or beauty products can stop the natural ageing process. Over time, the skin of the face and neck progressively loses its elasticity, combined with the loss of fat in the mid-face as well as the loss of support from the underlying facial skeleton, this leads to a descent of the soft tissues. The cheeks becoming flatter, lines around the mouth deepen, the jawline loses definition with jowl formation and the skin on the neck falls into loose folds.

These changes are effectively and safely treated by modern facelift surgery techniques. So if you’re considering a facelift, ask yourself some of the following questions.

  • Would you like tighter, firmer-looking skin?
  • Do you feel as though your skin is worn out and tired-looking?
  • Would you like to achieve a younger-looking appearance?
  • Would you like a more defined jawline?
  • Would you like to remove sagging skin from your neckline?
  • Would you like to experience greater positive self-esteem and confidence?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you could benefit from a facelift. Unlike short-term solutions and remedies, a facelift can help you feel refreshed, leaving you younger looking than you have felt in years. Dr Turner will help you achieve a natural look, without the ‘over pulled’ appearance, as you may have witnessed on other facelift surgery patients in the past.

Before & After Facelift Photos

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Recovery After Your Facelift Surgery

Our recommendation after a facelift is to relax for two weeks to ensure optimum healing. Most people can resume normal routines after this time. Recovery is generally rapid; with dressings ‘debulked’ the next day after surgery and any drains are removed.

Expect to wear an elastic support for two weeks or so, to minimise swelling and help maximise your new neck contour. Skin stitches are removed between five to seven days after surgery. At two weeks, swelling should have subsided considerably. Remember, it will be several months before the final result can be fully appreciated.

The sensation of numbness and tightness subsides with healing. Any discomfort can usually be controlled with medication.

Dr Turner will discuss your recovery in detail at your second consultation. After assessment of any individual health risks, such as high blood pressure and personal scarring tendencies, you will be given a tailored recovery treatment plan to follow after surgery.

What are the Risks of Facial Surgery?

Like other surgical procedures, face surgery also has its risks. When recovering at home, it is important to watch out for the following signs and symptoms associated with your procedure:

  • Allergic reaction to anesthesia such as skin rashes and difficulty breathing
  • Changes in your facial sensation
  • Delayed wound healing
  • Facial weakness
  • Hematoma
  • Hemorrhage
  • Increasing pain in your face
  • Numbness in one or both sides of your face
  • Pus draining from your wound
  • Severe swelling
  • Skin discoloration
  • Skin loss
  • Sutures that protrude through the skin
  • Unwanted scarring
  • Wound dehiscence

Next Steps

Your Facelift Consultation

If you’re considering a facelift procedure, the very first step will be to meet with Dr Turner for a personal one on one consultation at one of his Sydney or Newcastle clinics. For many patients, we understand that this is a major decision, so we want to make the entire process as comfortable as possible. We’re here to explain each procedure in detail, so that you’re confident with your final decision.

To begin, Dr Turner will help you determine what procedure would be best, based on a number of key factors. Of course, every patient is unique, not only in terms of their skin and facial structure but also their wants and needs. Dr Turner will guide you, discussing the options available from non-surgical techniques to improve your facial appearance, to a mini-facelift technique through to a full facelift for the maximum benefit so that you can achieve the results you desire.


Review your options

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Discuss all potential risks

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Outline the surgery

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Explain what to expect

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Perform Examination

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Funding Your Facelift Surgery

We can also provide information on a Facelift Surgery Payment Plan and medical finance, different methods of payment and whether a funding by Medicare rebate or Private Health Insurance subsidy would apply.

Different Types of Facelift and Neck lift

Modern facial rejuvenation techniques have come a long way, allowing patients to achieve a natural, youthful appearance with improved safety and longevity. How exactly this procedure will be performed, will be based on your individual needs. While some patients may only require a mid-face or neck lift, others will desire a comprehensive facelift procedure. Facelift surgery is performed under general anaesthesia in a fully accredited hospital with the assistance of a qualified anaesthetist and the operation take anywhere from three to six hours, while you may be discharged the same day, an overnight stay is recommended.

This procedure is ideal for both men and women who are in their 50’s to 70’s, seeking maximum correction — focusing on both the face and neck. Based on modern facelift techniques of elevating and tightening the underlying SMAS, with minimal tension on the overlying skin, allowing Dr Turner to achieve longer-lasting, more natural-looking results.

A full face and neck lift begins with an incision within the temporal hair and extends along the natural contours of the ear and into the posterior hairline. A separate small incision is frequently made under the chin. Once the incisions are made, the skin and superficial fat are separated from the underlying SMAS and the neck platysma muscles.

The neck is lifted first, by suturing the platysma muscle together in the midline and then lifting the sides of the platysma muscle back to its natural position, recreating a youthful neck sling (platysmaplasty). Next, the SMAS is elevated by a high SMAS technique and the excess skin of the face and neck is trimmed and redraped under no tension to give the finest scar possible.

An integral component of modern facelift surgery is the combination of fat grafting or facial implants to give a volumetric facelift, restoring lost volume associated with facial ageing. This creates natural-looking volume to your cheeks, lips, under-eye areas, or anywhere else that needs extra volume.

Ideal for both men and women who are in their 40’s with early signs of facial ageing and minimal need for correction of the neck region. A short-scar facelift or S-Lift surgery uses a smaller incision, located in front of the ear and temporal hairline only. While a traditional facelift is still the most effective option for lifting and smoothing ageing skin, a short scar procedure creates an incredible result for younger patients.

A short scar facelift begins with an incision made at your temporal hairline and extended along the natural contour of your ear. Once these incisions are made, the skin and superficial fat is carefully separated from the underlying SMAS. Next, the SMAS is tightened by a SMAS plication technique and a small amount of the overlying cheek excess skin is removed. You will have minimal visible scars, so you can still wear your hair ‘up’ after healing.

As with the traditional facelift surgery, a mini facelift often combines fat grafting to give a volumetric facelift to enhance the youthful contours of the cheeks and jowls. To address minor excess fat under the jawline (submental fat), we frequently add neck liposuction with a short-scar facelift.

As you age, your cheeks sag and the lower eyelid becomes more elongated with prominent bulges. For some men and women with less prominent cheekbones, this may occur when they are in their 20’s to 30’s before other elements of facial ageing has occurred and can make you look older than you are.

A midface lift targets your lower eyelid, cheek (malar) and corner of your mouth to create a more youthful and natural look. It is ideal for younger patients, looking to enhance their midface to prevent premature facial ageing and desire a fuller cheek prominence.

A midface lift or concentric malar lift begins with an incision along the lower eyelid lash line extending into a lower eyelid crease (crows feet line). Dr Turner often uses a combination of cheek implants and fat grafting to improve the midface contours. This procedure has been specifically designed to keep scars minimal and help reduce potential complications.

Improving some of the most visible signs of ageing, a neck lift will not only remove excess fat, but also tighten loose, wrinkled skin to improve the neck and jawline. This procedure is rarely performed alone, and is generally performed in combination with a facelift as part of a comprehensive rejuvenation of the face and neck.

A neck lift procedure begins with a small incision made under your chin and another in front and behind your ears. Once the incisions are made, the skin is separated from the underlying neck muscle (platysma) and any excess fatty tissue is removed directly or with liposuction. The neck muscle is repaired and suspended back to its original youthful position. This lifting and tightening of the neck muscle restores its natural shape and function to support the neck skin tautly.

In those with a weak or receded chin, a chin implant can be placed to improve the chin projection to enhance facial symmetry and create a stronger jawline. After restoring the original look of your neck, the skin is then draped back over the new neck contour. Any excess skin is then removed and the area is closed with minimal tension, leaving a small, fine scar.

Other procedures commonly combined
with a Facelift

Brow Lift

Eyelid Surgery

Facial Implants


Ready to take the next step?

Frequently Asked Questions

Common Questions about Facelift Surgery

Can I achieve the same effect with non-surgical procedures?

There are a wide range of non-surgical skin rejuvenation procedures that can help you reduce the ageing process with regular treatment. Non-surgical techniques include cosmetic injections, laser rejuvenation, skin tightening devices and medical grade skin care. When performed regularly, you can certainly feel fresher and more confident, however if you have moderate ageing they only have limited success and short term benefits. If you are trying to reduce sagging, drooping, loss of facial volume, and other significant aspects of skin ageing, then you may benefit from a facelift.

How should I prepare for a facelift?

To maximise results and support the healing process, Dr Turner will advise you if any special treatments are required prior to surgery. This will be covered in your initial consultation at his Sydney clinic. It’s critical that your medical status is maximised, so that you can recover as quickly and effectively as possible. Some of the factors that Dr Turner may cover, include: · Avoiding certain medications, such as aspirin 2 weeks prior to surgery · Stop taking any herbal supplements that are not prescribed by your doctor · Stop smoking, at least 6 weeks before surgery to help tissues heal · Minimise your intake of alcohol for 3 days prior to surgery · Continue to take prescribed medications, especially those that control blood pressure · Plan who will be taking you home after surgery · If you have short hair, growing your hair slightly can help you cover any early scarring

When should I have a facelift?

There is no defined age that is best to undergo facelift surgery – we all age differently according to our genetics and environmental experiences such as sun exposure, skin care and smoking. Facelifts can be performed from early 40′s to late 70′s. Benefits usually last longer when a facelift is performed on a younger person who still have good skin elasticity.

How long will my facelift last?

Due to the natural ageing process and the effects of gravity. Facial ageing will unfortunately continue. With that being said, your face will always look younger than it did if you had never had a facelift done. Overall, this procedure tends to reset the clock, leading to a 10+ year advantage over individuals of the same age. If, over time, you would like an additional facelift, it is generally not as comprehensive as the initial surgery.

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When should I have a facelift?

There is no defined age that is best to undergo facelift surgery – we all age differently according to our genetics and environmental experiences such as sun exposure, skin care and smoking. Facelifts can be performed from early 40′s to late 70′s. Benefits usually last longer when a facelift is performed on a younger person who still have good skin elasticity.

How long will my facelift last?

Due to the natural ageing process and the effects of gravity. Facial ageing will unfortunately continue. With that being said, your face will always look younger than it did if you had never had a facelift done. Overall, this procedure tends to reset the clock, leading to a 10+ year advantage over individuals of the same age. If, over time, you would like an additional facelift, it is generally not as comprehensive as the initial surgery.

Will people be able to see that I’ve had a facelift?

After getting a facelift, many patients mention that their friends and family make remarks about how they look fresh and rested. People might ask if you have been away on holiday or if you’ve “changed something”. There is no characteristic look of a facelift. Forget about the problems with the old fashioned unnatural face lifts. Modern procedures are undetectable. The procedure simply restores your youthful look and no one will be able to tell you’ve had anything done. You’ll just look like a well-rested and fresh version of you.

Do you do fat transfer as part of a facelift?

Fat transfer are an integral component of any facelift surgery, to give complete rejuvenation of the face. The concept of the volumetric facelift, combines the benefit of restoring facial volume associated with ageing with fat injections combined with lifting and tightening the deeper facial structures with a SMAS facelift procedure. There are very few patients that don’t benefit from the addition of fat grafting as part of a facelift procedure.

Will I have any scars?

The incisions used during a facelift, will depend on the procedure and the technique used. For instance, the incisions made for a traditional facelift will differ from a short-scar facelift or midface lift. With incisions made in natural borders, hairlines, and folds, once fully healed, they will be barely noticeable. At first, they may be pink and slightly raised, but within the first few months, they will begin to quickly fade.

How quickly will stitches be removed? How quickly will I heal?

Once you leave the hospital, a follow-up appointment will be made within the first 7 days. At this time, Dr Turner will assess your wounds and remove stitches. After this step is completed, it’s recommended that you commence topical silicone ointment along the incision line. Overall, most patients look presentable after the first 2 weeks. The full healing time for soft tissue and skin will be around 6 months. Although scaring may be red and itchy at first, within the first few months, they’ll begin to lighten. After 1-2 years, they will soften and be barely noticeable.

How long will I need to take off work?

More patients can return to work after 2 weeks following surgery. Within the first 3 days, you will likely experience swelling, which then settles after approximately 1 week. Overall, the healing process is rapid, and you will be able to return to your regular routine within 2-3 weeks. At 2 weeks, for instance, you can generally begin to perform light exercise, gently increasing activity levels over 6 weeks.

Will I need a drain after my facelift?

Yes, in most cases. Drains are used to gather excessive fluid after a facelift procedure. Your drain will be removed the day after your procedure. If you’re having a short scar facelift in a limited area, you might not need a drain. Dr Turner will advise you before the procedure so you know exactly what to expect.

Do hairlines shift after a facelift?

During your consultation with Dr Turner we evaluate which incision placement is best suited for you. If you require a large amount of skin removal than an incision placed along the hair line will minimize any hairline shifts which are an unfortunate stigma of having a poorly executed facelift surgery.

About Dr Scott Turner FRACS (Plas) – Specialist Plastic Surgeon

Dr Scott J Turner has spent a lifetime acquiring the qualifications, education, training, and hands-on surgical experience to perform superior cosmetic plastic surgery to give you natural, beautiful results and the improved sense of well-being you want. He is one of the top Specialist Plastic Surgeons with a Breast and Body Surgery focus in New South Wales.
Achieving this personal goal requires not only in-depth knowledge of human anatomy and refined surgical techniques but an ongoing commitment to learning the latest procedures around the world. This is why Dr Turner regularly attends both local and international surgeon meetings – discussing these advances with the leaders around the world in order to offer you the most natural, effective and safest surgical procedures. He is a committed board member of ASAPS – Australiasian Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons
Dr Turner and his highly trained staff will do everything to ensure that you are fully informed, while providing exceptional, world-class cosmetic plastic surgery, in a personal and caring environment.

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