Treatment Overview

Our neck and decolletage are tell tale signs of ageing and can be difficult to treat. Often it is the skin quality that needs addressing and as such a neck/dec skin booster treatment can give a superb rejuvenation.

During the consultation our Registered Nurse will assess the function and form of the face for best treatment for each individual.


  • Profile Balancing

Suitable For

  • 18+ Only
  • Need for treatment is based on a detailed consultation with cosmetic nurse/doctor


  • Dependent on consultation and patient needs.

Before and After

Lower face rejuvenation – Subtle and feminine lower face results. Image 1: migrated lip filler created by cheap filler. Image 2: Lips treated with our dissolving agent to remove old product, as well as some high-quality dermal filler placed in the chin to create that ideal love-heart-shaped face and improve projection for a beautiful side profile. Image three is the ultimate result of beautifully shaped lips and cupids bow, working with the natural shape of the lip to create the perfect natural-looking enhanced pout.

Ready to take the next step?

The Lowdown

What to Expect

A bespoke treatment tailored to the individual needs is administered. The procedure is safe, not painful and requires minimal downtime. The treatment will be administered via needle and cannula.

Note: the treatment is not permanent and can last between 6- 12 months.

Before the Treatment

There is a detailed consultation with the cosmetic nurse or doctor to discuss treatment options based on the patient expectations. During the consultation the cosmetic nurse or doctor will assess your face, note asymmetry, and take photographs to document your cosmetic journey.

After the Treatment

Treatments are generally well tolerated. You will see the results immediately and full effect will be visible 2 weeks after the treatment.

The most common side effects include: local irritation or redness and mild to moderate swelling. Although rare, bruising can occur. If it does remember it is temporary and can be covered with make up 24 hours after the treatment.

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